To be part of the Official Dellacoma Fanclub is easy…

Just have a look at the Dellacoma Fan Group on Facebook and send a membership request, that’s it and its absolutly free!!!

We are a couple of fans who just like the sound of Dellacoma.

We talk about the music, we post photos and videos of performances, we are active and support the band.

And we are not alone. Of course the band is also part of us; the members post themselves or they let us post so that we all are up to date.

And that is just the beginning.

There will be specials so stay tuned. 

You are interested in the band?
We want you!

Come and join the Dellacoma Fan Group on Facebook.


Any Questions? Here are our contact options. We are looking forward to a message from you!

Fax: 0049 2225 9800381

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